Need help finding a job?

The Life & Career project can help you with the following
-Finding work/school
-Bringing out your skills
-Finding opportunities for your free time

You can sign up to be a part of the project through this link or by scanning the QR code below



Life & Career in Ylä-Savo project aims to better the services provided for immigration and international recruitment services.

 Project information

Life & Career in Ylä-Savo is a ESR funded project with the goal of improving the engagement and attractiveness of the area.

The main goal of the project is to acquire more international workforce in the area by developing the services related to immigration and international recruitment. This will portray the area as an interesting place for potential immigrants, the services provided will match the need, employers will get the support they need and employees commit to the area permanently.

As an international living in Ylä-Savo (Iisalmi, Kiuruvesi, Lapinlahti, Sonkajärvi or Vieremä) you can reach out to us if you need more information regarding:

1. Employment in the area
2. Free-time and other activities in the area
3. Other guidance or information regarding your life and career in Ylä-Savo

The project deliverables:

1. Mapping the needs of employers in the area regarding international recruitment and identifying services based on the needs of employers
2. Communication about the services directed at companies regarding recruitment and employment of internationals
3. Linkedin pilot to improve the showcasing of skills in immigrant workers together with Ketterää osaamista – project
4. Communication to the habitants of Ylä-Savo who have a background of immigration, with for example increasing communication in English
5. Increasing the attractiveness of Ylä-Savo locally and internationally through the means of communication
6. Producing needed support material for companies and individuals in the area

Timeline of the project


Mirja Iskanius
Project manager
040 532 2647

Josefiina Luoma
Project coordinator
040 842 2091

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