Tickets for cultural experiences

Tickets for cultural experiences
Concert tickets can be bought from the Cultural Center, which means that a 2 EUR service fee will be added to the ticket price. Tickets for other the events organized by Lipputoimisto can be bought from the Culture Center.
Tickets can also be purchased from K-citymarket and Prisma Iisalmi.

Buy the Culture Center tickets online!
Click the link and go to the "Iisalmi Cultural Center" banner on the left to get to know our concert programme. The website guides you to choose your desired concert, line and place. You will be charged with your bank ID and you can print the ticket with your own printer. A 2 euro delivery fee is added to the ticket price also when purchasing from the internet.


Iisalmi Culture Centrer
Kirkkopuistonkatu 9, 74100 Iisalmi
Citymarket Iisalmi
Eteläntie 4, 74130 Iisalmi
Prisma Iisalmi
Parkatintie 2, 74120 Iisalmi

Lipputsto logo pieni.gif

I-Pointti Culture Centre

Space reservation, ticket sales and information
Kirkkopuistonkatu 9, 74100 Iisalmi
Tel. +358 40 830 2757